This is Your Year (Or Maybe Not): Motivational and Demotivational Art for 2023

It’s time to rise and grind, folks! We’re already a month into 2023, and there are so many mountains left to climb. But with dedication and a little bit of elbow grease, you can accomplish anything you put your mind…you know what? Fuck it. This Tony Robbins schtick is hard. Whatever’s going to happen is going to happen. And there’s not much you can do about it.

Well, that was a roller coaster. Let’s get back on track here. Every year around this time, people can already sense whether or not they’re going to prematurely abandon their New Year’s resolutions. If you’re still giving it the old college try, we’re proud of you! Threadless has all sorts of motivational art to put the wind in your sails.

On the other hand, if you think we should take our pep talks and shove it, we’re also here to commiserate with you. Misery loves company, and sometimes it helps to purge the negative energy with an honest expression of how you’re really feeling. Here we go…

Motivational: “Draw More” by wuhuli

Motivational Art: “Draw More” by wuhuli

“Whatever problems you are experiencing, whatever challenges you are facing, it can’t hurt to just draw more,” says illustrator M Lee (aka wuhuli). They have a point. Being creative opens your mind, connects you to yourself, and gives you a voice, whether you think you’re good at art or not. Grab a notebook and start doodling!

Demotivational: “The Never Ending Bullshit” by Personal Hell

It’s always something. First you didn’t get the raise you deserved. Then your car got booted. Then your pet goldfish ran away (at least that’s what Mom said). There’s no shortage of shit piles to step in. Sometimes you just gotta laugh and hope tomorrow is a better day. Cheers to that. *CLINK*

Demotivational Art: “The Never Ending Bullshit” by Personal Hell

Motivational: “Gonna Get That Bread” by imjsav

Motivational Art: “Gonna Get That Bread” by imjsav

All your hustling will pay off at some point. Your goals are within reach for as long as you relentlessly pursue them. Once you finally get that bread, slice it, toast it, and spread avocado on it. That’s what success tastes like!

Demotivational: “Out of Time” by Mulopops

There’s not enough hours in a day. Now you’re making a resolution with a deadline of December 31? How are you going to learn a whole new language in-between working, going to school, and maintaining some semblance of a social life? But hey, there’s always 2024, right? Claro que sí.

Demotivational Art: “Out of Time” by Mulopops

Motivational: “Train Hard Eat Trash” by Coffee Man

Motivational Art: “Train Hard Eat Trash” by Coffee Man

If you plan to hit the gym more often this year, don’t feel guilty for treating yourself to the foods that bring you joy. As long as you’re pushing yourself, it’s okay to grab a slice of pizza every now and then. Or to start the day off with avocado toast. Speaking of, did you get that bread yet?

Demotivational: “Pretending” by Arcane Bullshit

Does anyone actually know what the fuck they’re doing? Or are we all flying by the seat of our pants? A large part of growing up is realizing you can only control so much. Most of the time you just have to wing it and pretend like everything’s going according to plan when something good happens. That’s what the rest of us are doing.

Demotivational Art: “Pretending” by Arcane Bullshit

Motivational: “Stay Rad” by quilimo

Motivational Art: “Stay Rad” by quilimo

So many resolutions focus on health or career aspirations, which can do wonders for your personal growth. But have you also considered doubling down on all the rad activities that make you feel happy and fulfilled? Go camping more often. Watch more movies. Shred the gnar, brah. Whatever the hell that means.

Demotivational: “Stream of Constant Disappointment” by Hillary White Rabbit

We’re all swimming in gator-infested waters polluted by toxic waste. There’s no escaping those moments when we feel hopeless or unsure of ourselves. It’s a part of the ebbs and flows of life. But the good news is that you aren’t alone. See that skull floating in the water? That’s Jerry! He’ll keep you company.

Demotivational Art: “Stream of Constant Disappointment” by Hillary White Rabbit

Motivational: “Radiate Positivity” by ctkrstudio

Motivational Art: “Radiate Positivity” by ctkrstudio

When life gives you toxic waste, radiate positivity. Things will inevitably go nuclear, but those moments give you the most opportunity to grow and learn about yourself. Not everything will turn out the way you intended, but maintaining a positive mindset will keep you on a path toward becoming a better version of yourself. Isn’t that what resolutions are all about?

Demotivational: “New Year New Me” by kooky love

The oldest New Year’s tradition is choosing a resolution that you’ll make no effort to actually try. “I’ll start tomorrow” becomes the mantra. Then “tomorrow” turns into 2024. Then “2024” turns into 199NEVER. Starting is the most difficult step. How far will you get?

Demotivational Art: “New Year New Me” by kooky love

Motivational: “Every Day Resolution” by megaduel

Motivational Art: “Every Day Resolution” by megaduel

This might be the best New Year’s resolution anyone has ever suggested. Humans simply don’t deserve dogs, but as long as we have them, we should always shower them with our love. Take every opportunity to pet your own dog, the neighbor’s dog, or even a stranger’s dog. (But ask first. Don’t be that person.)

Demotivational: “You Matter or Don’t Matter…” by Michael Olson Art

As Michael Olson shows in this piece, there’s two ways to look at everything. And in this particular case, one of them is a lie. Although there will be times you feel down and out, we hope you’ll always find the light and continue pursuing what makes you happy in life. You matter! No lie.

Demotivational Art: “You Matter or Don’t Matter…” by Michael Olson Art

All of the motivational and demotivational art you’ve seen in this post is available at Threadless on a wide range of apparel, accessories, and home goods. Every purchase you make directly benefits the independent artist who created the design, helping them continue what they love doing most: making art for you! We wish you a successful and fruitful 2023!

Rafael Velez

Copywriter at Threadless. Lover of thin-crust pizza, heavy metal, and B horror movies. Food source for a husky and two cats.