Designs to Help You Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

Sorry I Have Plans

2020 vision got you pumped for the new year? If you’re feeling ready to take on the latest decade (and say sayonara to the last ten years!), then you probably have a series of New Year’s goals you’re prepared to keep. Resolutions don’t have to be downers or instant broken promises. They can be guiding lights as you get further from January, helping you stay true to yourself. You know—new year, new you. We believe in you, and want to give you the boost you’ll need to stick to those resolutions. Try out these designs to help you make it from New Year’s Day through whatever madness this year will bring. 

Health and Wellness, Anyone? 

Design by Michael Buxton
Exercise Your Demons” design by Michael Buxton

What’s more fun than working out? (Most people: everything!). Working out the demons that drive you! Hit the gym, and hail Satan at the same time. Throw this design on before jumping on the treadmill or pumping iron, and let the regulars at your local recreation center know you mean business. 

You’re Finally Gonna Quit   

Design by Hugo Diaz
Smoking Kills” design by Hugo Diaz

2020’s your year! Time to get rid of all those bad habits (no, not the late-night fast food runs or leaving your toenail clippings around the house for your roommate to find). Yup, time to kick the butt. Remind yourself how precious your lungs are by wearing this doomsday design. Featuring your favorite pack of smokes as the Grim Reaper, you’d be hard-pressed to light up while wearing this tee. 

Stress Less  

Design by Daniel Stevens
I Have Plans” design by Daniel Stevens 

Need to stress out less this year? (Everyone: yes!) Great. Repeat after this design, “I have plans.” Remind everyone hounding you for time, you’re booked. That’s right, it’s a date with all those shows you’ve been meaning to binge. Snuggle in bed, grab your laptop, and get watching. It’s the perfect plan for a stress-free night. 

Travel More  

Design by Tatak Waskitho
Good Things” design by Tatak Waskitho   

Blaze a new path in 2020 and get traveling! Odds are good you have this resolution on your list every year. Well, the year’s finally come. Stop dreaming and do it. Look up all those destinations you’ve been meaning to explore and book your ticket today. Itinerary? Who needs one. Wander the trails, streets, forests, and beaches. Grab this design on a comfy sweatshirt and set out on your next adventure. 

Learn that New Skill 

Design by Steven Rhodes
You Can Learn Sewing” design by Steven Rhodes

What have you been meaning to learn, but putting off? Playing piano? Swing dancing? Mastering a foreign language? This design’s a delightfully dark take on your goal to learn something new. Pick up those scissors, grab a needle, thread, and sunken head, and learn to sew! 

Words of Wisdom  

Design by Daniel Stevens
Get Your Shit Together” design by Daniel Stevens

Final words of wisdom to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions? It doesn’t get much simpler than this design. You’ve made your list of goals. Mapped them out with intermediary steps to help you succeed (hopefully). And now, the not-so-fun part: dig deep and get your shit together. Take those resolutions and turn them into results. (What if it really was as simple as that?) Happy New Year, one and all!  

Sarah Fischer

Doting on my house plants is how I fill my time when I'm not writing, reading, running or playing with my darling cats, Evelyn and Charlie. In a past life, if any of us live more than once, I might have been a French poet or horticulturalist. Powered by: beautiful cake, morning sunlight and black coffee.