Now, this is our ‘type’ of art project. The increase in letter art you may have noticed on Instagram isn’t because everyone got into typography at once. It’s actually thanks to 36DaysofType. If you’re not up to speed on the latest Instagram #trends, then you’re missing out on the Inktober of springtime. The 36 Days of Type project was started by Barcelona-based graphic designers Nina Sans and Rafa Goicoechea. For 36 days they challenged themselves to design something new every day, and they’ve since opened it up to artists all over the Internetverse. Artists can do just one letter, their faves, or they can challenge themselves to do all 36 days to really give their right brain a workout.
We’ve been digging the amazing variety of typography artists are putting up on social. And one of those amazing artists is our very own designer, Katie Lukes! Her series features a different city for every letter she designs, turning her #36DaysofType into #36DaysAroundtheWorld. Check out a bit of her series below!
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Are you doing #36DaysofType? We want to see your work! Post some of your typography series below in the comments.