Inktober is BACK, Baby!

Do you feel it? That chill in the air, the increasing crunchiness of leaves, summer daisies exchanged for fall mums and gourds? Oh yes, friends; the 31 days of Halloween are upon us! And you know what that means (besides Hocus Pocus movie nights): Inktober is BACK!

If you’ve never Inktobered before, a quick one-sentence background: it’s a yearly art challenge created by Jake Parker meant to get artists to draw one thing every day all through October. You can use a prompt list, do your own thing, or switch back and forth – the world is your sketchbook! (But not really, that sounds illegal and potentially frowned upon).

Need a little inspiration to kick you into creative shape? Here are a few pieces of art from the first couple days of Inktober 2017. Check them out, then be sure to leave your own Inktober pieces in the comments for a chance to be featured in our next art roundup post! Happy drawing!

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Camille Chew (@LordofMasks) | Artist Shop


Anna (@sleepydolphin) | Artist Shop

Chris Samnee


Conrad Javier (@conradjavier6) | Artist Shop

Rupert Beard | Artist Shop

Pepe Rodriguez (@ppmid) | Artist Shop

Kidshay Comics

The Locabat

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Want to jump on the #Inktober train but don’t know where to start? Here are a few cool prompts we found! (The first one below is Jake Parker’s official Inktober 2017 prompt list!)

Official Inktober prompts from Jake Parker.

A cool mashup Sleepy Dolphin did of the official prompts and dropthedrawings prompts!

Prompt list made my rebel_spore.

Prompt list made by plantplague.

Prompt list made my Pernilleorum.

And for even MORE inspiration, check out our roundup posts from past years!

Inktober 2015

Inktober 2016 (week 2)

Inktober 2016 (week 3)

Inktober 2016 (week 4)


Need an art challenge? Click here!

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Carlyn Hill

Dad joke aficionado, cartoonist, & contributor for sites like HelloGiggles and The Mary Sue by night. When I'm not writing or drawing, you can find me in my cave of a room hanging out with my boyfriend, Netflix.