Do you feel it? That chill in the air, the increasing crunchiness of leaves, summer daisies exchanged for fall mums and gourds? Oh yes, friends; the 31 days of Halloween are upon us! And you know what that means (besides Hocus Pocus movie nights): Inktober is BACK!
If you’ve never Inktobered before, a quick one-sentence background: it’s a yearly art challenge created by Jake Parker meant to get artists to draw one thing every day all through October. You can use a prompt list, do your own thing, or switch back and forth – the world is your sketchbook! (But not really, that sounds illegal and potentially frowned upon).
Need a little inspiration to kick you into creative shape? Here are a few pieces of art from the first couple days of Inktober 2017. Check them out, then be sure to leave your own Inktober pieces in the comments for a chance to be featured in our next art roundup post! Happy drawing!
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Camille Chew (@LordofMasks) | Artist Shop
Anna (@sleepydolphin) | Artist Shop
Chris Samnee
Conrad Javier (@conradjavier6) | Artist Shop
Rupert Beard | Artist Shop
Pepe Rodriguez (@ppmid) | Artist Shop
Kidshay Comics
The Locabat
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Want to jump on the #Inktober train but don’t know where to start? Here are a few cool prompts we found! (The first one below is Jake Parker’s official Inktober 2017 prompt list!)
Official Inktober prompts from Jake Parker.
A cool mashup Sleepy Dolphin did of the official prompts and dropthedrawings prompts!
Prompt list made my rebel_spore.
Prompt list made by plantplague.
Prompt list made my Pernilleorum.
And for even MORE inspiration, check out our roundup posts from past years!