Money is Power: Spotlight on Bossy Chicago

Women spend 80% of consumer dollars in the United States but women-owned businesses only earn 4% of the revenue. This disparity has remained in effect for decades. Bossy Chicago aims to change that.

Founded in 2017, Bossy Chicago exists to celebrate women-owned businesses and elevate them as they grow. Their online directory (aka their power line) of local, women-owned businesses helps women and other like-minded humans leverage their buying power to support these businesses. In the directory you can find hundreds of women-owned businesses throughout the Chicago-land area.

“Where we spend our money means something, whether we are aware of it or not. We choose to shift our purchasing power, slowly but surely, to women. And we’re starting by supporting the women-owned small business in our own neighborhoods.”

Bossy Chicago believes the way to create meaningful change (and finally receive some damn R.E.S.P.E.C.T) is for women and the non-binary community to come together and do like Rosa did and say, “Nah.” Nah to wasting time feeding a beast who has no master. Bossy Chicago is teaching us that conversations are important, but taking action is powerful. Because feminism is about the everyday work of uplifting the women around us.

Shop Bossy Apparel!

Get familiar with Bossy Chicago’s directory and find women-owned businesses in your neighborhood at bossychicago.com. Plus, show the world you’re an ally by dressing yourself in head-to-toe Bossy Apparel, Accessories and more in their Artist Shop at bossy.threadless.com!

Tim Brutsman

Tell your story, it matters.
Husband. Father. Friend. Writer. Changemaker.