Beer? Yasss.
Comics? Yassssss.
Beer and comics go together like…well, beer and comics. And our very own Lance Curran Wonder-Twins’d this combo together to form Arcade Brewery’s 6-Pack Stories!
If you don’t remember 6-Pack Stories from our Arcade Brewery Spotlight, 6-Pack Stories tell a full comic book story on a 6-Pack of beer – each bottle’s label featuring a different panel.
Each new brew features a new artist, new story, and, duh, new beer. And this installment features Jimmy Palmiotti (“Daredevil”, “Harley Quinn”) and Darwyn Cooke (“Batman”, “Catwoman”) to bring you the retro-y comic, “The Adventures of Dutch Courage.”
But it’s not just what’s on the outside of the bottle that counts – it’s what’s on the inside. And this session ale brewed with juniper berries and lemon peel is “an easy-drinking, malt-forward beer with a subtle gin cocktail quality,” says Arcade co-owner Chris Tourre.
In non-beer-people-speak, it sounds like a freakin’ mouth-symphony.
Besides combining the beer/comic duo to make 6-pack Stories, Lance also pairs comics and beers much like you’d pair wine and cheese, but in a less pinky-out, monocle required fashion that’s way more fun.
If you’re a Chicagoan like us, here’s a ‘beer map‘ of where you can pick up a 6-pack. And non-Chicagoans, you can buy 6-Pack Stories online here or here.
Cheers, y’all.