Sleek. Clean. Minimal. ‘Nuff said.
Some of the most iconic designs are ironically the ones with the least detail. And in the spirit of our marvelously minimal designs this week, I’ll keep this intro, well, minimal, and jump right into the question of the week: What’s the best road trip (or adventure) you’ve ever gone on?
Check it.
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This one time my sorcerer got turned into a werewolf and the party had to chain him up every full moon so that… Oh you mean like in real life? I don’t… I don’t get out much.
Ville Morkki, Tampere (Finland)

In the year 2000 I traveled solo through Europe for 6 weeks – England, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands and France. Epic adventures, stories for another day maybe. It was the quintessential backpacker trip, and I returned to Canada to start my graphic design education!
Nicolas Ginty (Gintron)

Likely climbing to the highest mountain of Ukraine Hoverla. We are cold, wet and lost.
Petr Stepanov (Steppeua), Drohobych, Ukraine.

The next one.
Scott Fuller, Atlanta, GA

One of my best adventures was when I climbed a giant mountain near my city with some friends. Risk, adrenaline, and an enormous peace up there…
Rafael Bastos (Vó Maria)

When I went on Baguio City Philippines.

Climbing the highest peak in North Africa is probably my most memorable adventure. The climb itself was not too hard but we chose to go without a guide and carry all our belongings on the long route to the refuge. It was really hard going in the heat with all the unnecessary weight. Once at base camp, with tent pitched, the sun went down early and the temperature dropped dramatically. I remember taking ages trying to get warm by putting on every item of clothing in my backpack. Once cocooned in my sleeping bag I realized I needed the toilet. When I unzipped the tent and crawled out I was completely blown away by the night sky – I had never seen so many stars. At this altitude there seemed to be more stars then spaces between them! I forced everyone else out of their tents to see the humbling beauty of it.
The Paper Crane

I used to constantly go on road trips up and down the east coast but my most memorable trips were when one of my best friends and I would jump in a car and hit the road traveling all night from city to city finding any spots to skate that we could. You meet the most interesting people while skating at 4 AM in the morning….some good….some not so much.
Perry Beane (BeanePod), Greensboro, NC

I believe the best adventure is still ahead of me.
David Hora (Aparaat)