When you first look at the all-over pattern of “Spectrum Bomb!“, the only thing you know about it is that it looks rad.
But there’s a pretty cool story all about how this design came to be, and it pretty much sums up what the community aspect of Threadless is. We’re all about bringing artists together from all over the world, and the collaboration between Chuck Pavoni (chuckpcomics) and Philipp Rietz (badbugs_art) tells the tale of a beautiful friendship.
Philipp sent me an email, saying, “I think this is a story that could be shared,” and told me how it went down:
“On January 18th, I got this great message from Chuck Pavoni (aka chuckpcomics) on Facebook for a collaboration.
For me, this was a super great moment of inspiration. After the launch of my ‘Color Bomb!’ design at Threadless, I thought a lot about this colorful pattern style, my art, etc. But I didn’t really have the right inspiration for something new.
Until Chuck came up with this freaky unusual but super great idea.
So the basic idea from Chuck was that he was ‘in Photoshop using the color picker, with the ‘only web colors’ box checked. It makes this wavy psychedelic cluster of color options!’ (Read more of Chuck’s explanation in the forums) He had the great idea that this could be a great pattern. And he got in contact with me on Facebook.
”Ok this is definitely and inside joke for Photoshop users but it’s also really cool to look at for people that don’t know! This is from the color picker in Photoshop switched to “only web colors” and this is what you get, and it has endless amounts of colors and wavy options and just thought no one could do this like you could! I think it would look great on a tee! Be honest tell me what you think”
And he send me this image:
For me as an artist this was great moment. I really ‘got’ his idea and what he wanted to do sounded amazing. So we let the magic begin! And voila!
Threadless has changed my life, and I’m getting so influenced and inspired by the community! So all that we have done couldn’t be summed up better than in this quote:
That pretty much makes the point! To think that Chuck lives miles away…I have found a great new friend, and we have made a lot of cool art.”
. . .
Thank you Philipp Rietz (badbugs_art) and Chuck Pavoni (chuckpcomics) for sharing your story!