To all the incoming freshmen getting ready to move into their college dorms, you’re about to experience the best years of your life. Never before..
Thinking Positive Thoughts with The Violet Eclectic
If like many of us you spend too much of your day doomscrolling, it’s easy to feel down on yourself and the world around you...
Holiday Gifts that Sleigh Under $25, $50, and $75
It sounds cliche, we know. But it really is the thought that counts when it comes to getting gifts for your friends and family. The..
Mental Health Matters: 10 Ways to Nurture Your Wellbeing
It’s Mental Health Awareness Month. Before we get into ways to maintain mental health, I first want to talk about mental illness. I myself come..
Best Buds: 420 Designs for 13 Different Herb Enthusiasts
420 is almost here and you know what that means. That’s right, I’m talking about weed. The ol’ jazz cabbage. Talking about some whacky tobacky,..
Are You Inktobering Yet?
There’s really only one thing that can get us more stoked about October than Halloween, and that’s Inktober! #Inktober was started in 2009 by Jake Parker..
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