The luckiest day of the year, 11/11 is upon us. And ironically, it’s right before the unluckiest day of the year: Friday the 13th.
Maybe the planets are aligned. Maybe the forces of good and evil shall come together on each of these faithful days. Maybe none of it matters because it’s all human construct.
Either way! We all got together and shared some of the times we felt super lucky.
Have a story about a time that you had awesome luck? Leave it in the comments! (And no stories of getting lucky, you dirty minds)
My friends tease me that I win everything. I’ve won concert tickets from radio stations, movie tickets, free admission to random places, raffles, etc. I think the biggest thing I ever won was a trip for two to Miami from a MySpace contest (remember that site?). It was a (mostly) all expenses paid trip to Miami to a music festival. It included airfare, hotel, VIP passes to the festival, and a tiny bit of spending money.
– Betsy, Office Manager/Help Team ambassador
The first time I remember feeling lucky was when I won something at my Dad’s company work party. I totally ruled that Bingo card and got to pick out a prize. I chose a cooler. I was 8. I still have that cooler.
– Brianne, Help Team Director & Customer Insights
I once went to my friend’s improv show at some random bar. They were holding a raffle too, so I got five tickets. I won once (some Star Wars cups from Burger King in the ’80s and ’90s). Then I won again! I won the grand prize, which was a voucher to an intro course of improv at the Annoyance Theatre! It was super exciting and that’s how I started my (short-lived) life of improv comedy.
– Stacie, Community Experience
Convincing my wife to go on that first date with me despite her initial reluctance. We had known each other when we were teenagers and I didn’t exactly have the best reputation. I think I was extremely lucky that she took that chance.
– Lance, Artist Shops Account Director
This is going to sound so cheesy, but the luckiest I’ve felt in a long time was the day I was offered a job at Threadless. I love where I work, I love who I work with, I love the company’s values and goals, I love putting the artist first. I’ve had some amazing opportunities in my career, but this one feels like home. I also know what it feels like when you don’t quite fit, when you’re not with like minds…but at Threadless I feel like I found my litter.
– Lisa, VP Creative
To knowingly add to Lisa’s comments, I feel lucky to get up in the morning not dreading going to work. I feel lucky to care deeply about this team and the work we do, and who we do this for. Life is short and I feel lucky to be a part of something that impacts people all over the globe. The possibilities are huge. I’m genuinely excited to see where we go from here.
– Dustin, VP Digital
This is the story of how I was super lucky my idiocy didn’t kill me. When I was still in Florida, I lived with a buddy of mine’s family for a few months. One Friday on our way to a gas station, we nearly ran over a snake in the middle of a dirt road. Naturally, we pulled over to check it out. Turned out, it was a live baby rattlesnake! I know two things about baby rattlesnakes: 1. deadly venom, 2. you should definitely try to catch them. So we found a milk jug to put it in, and I went off to find a long stick to catch it with. I handed him the stick and said, “pin his head down while I feed his tail up into the jug.” I nervously grabbed its tail, and started snaking (pun) it up into the jug. After showing it off to our friends, we sold it to a snake store for $50!
– Andrew, Senior Software Developer
Every single time I hit the glass coffee pot on the granite countertop and it doesn’t break.
– Kara, Partnerships Coordinator
One time I was visiting my family back in Wisconsin while I was living in Amsterdam, and the day before my return flight, I couldn’t find my passport! We searched and searched, but to no avail. When the day finally arrived, I decided to risk traveling on an expired passport, and I was lucky enough that I was able to fly and enter the Netherlands without getting caught. Funny how my luck was born out of an unlucky situation!
– Rob, Lead Software Engineer