Remember playing with Etch A Sketches as a kid? For most of us, the crude line drawings that often looked more like the game Mr. Worm than..
What Do YOUR “Inside Out” Emotions Look Like?
There are two things that are true about emotions: 1: We all have them. 2: “Hangry” is the most real emotion there is. Pixar would be the company..
Go Mad Over These Original “Alice in Wonderland” Sketches
Classic animation is a heavenly thing. Even with all the effort and patience it took, traditional animators were producing as much as 23 seconds of animation per..
Help Us Choose the Big Hero 6 Winner!
Anyone who has caught Big Hero 6 since its premiere last November knows one thing for sure: the movie is just adorable. So adorable that..
This Just In: 15 Amazing Big Hero 6 Designs!
We’ve got exciting news today: our awesome Big Hero 6 designs have arrived from our Big Hero 6 design challenge! Before you check them out,..
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