October without scary movies would be like Doc Brown without the DeLorean, like Ferris without his day off adventure, like this sentence without ’80s movies...
What Was the First Scary Movie You Ever Saw?
Happy Halloween month! Whether you love scary movies, hate them, or love them even though they’ll keep you awake for the next three weeks (WORTH..
13 Spooky Sweatshirts to Hide in During Scary Movie Season
We love watching scary movies. Even if we sometimes have to watch those scary movies through the little hoodie portal that forms when you pull..
What’s Your Favorite Scary Movie?
Got “Thriller” queued up on Spotify? Have you turned substantial pumpkins into Jack o Lanterns? Eating the obligatory candy corn (whether or not you actually..
What’s Your Favorite Movie Monster?
It’s never too early to start talking about Halloween-y things. After all, let’s be real – Halloween isn’t just the 31st. It’s the whole month of..
What’s the Scariest Movie You’ve Ever Seen?
We’re in that weird in-between time of year. It’s too early for the big holiday decorations (seriously, if your tree’s up already, we’re gonna have words)…but really, who..
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