We love watching scary movies. Even if we sometimes have to watch those scary movies through the little hoodie portal that forms when you pull your hoodie’s drawstrings ALL the way closed. With fall officially here and scary movie season creeping right on up, the time for Halloween-y designs is FINALLY upon us… and getting Halloween-y designs on a super cozy hoodie you can hide in during horror double feature nights certainly doesn’t hurt. Here’s a lucky batch of 13 spooky sweatshirts* to hide in this scary movie season! Pro tip: be sure to snag ’em during our fall sale while all fleece & fall items are 40% off!
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“TGIF” by Vó Maria
“Little Dracula” by Jillian Fisher
“Terrible Summer” by Sam Heimer
“Whole Lotta Horror” by Josh Ln
“Free Hugs” by DinoMike
“The Pipe” by Nacho Diaz
“Let’s Summon Demons” by Steven Rhodes
“Cthulhu’s Church” by Gianna Corniola
“Fatty Cat” by Sage Perrott (Haypeep)
“Ghost Bulb” by Luis Romero
“Always Follow Your Dreams” by DinoMike
“Happiness is Fleeting” by Kerry Callen
“Skelfie” by iheartjlp
*Is the design you like only in men’s/women’s styles? Not to worry! Our sweatshirts & hoodies all have a unisex fit!