There are two things I know to be true in this world:
1: There are like…way too many Pokemon now.
2: Beer + art is a match made in heaven.
I mean, what do you think the ‘craft’ part of “arts and crafts” actually means? “Arts and craft beer“, that’s what.
…That’s not true at all, I made it up. But you get the point!
Everyone is always so excited to get to the contents of the bottle, however, that a really cool aspect of beer doesn’t get enough love – the label art.
Anyone can slap some comic sans and a beer emoji on a sticker, slap it on a bottle, and call it a label. But some breweries create next level label art. In fact, one of our very own does a pretty cool thing called “6-pack stories”, where each label in a six-pack tells a different part of a mini-comic.
So in the honor of shamelessly judging a beer by its label, here are some of our favorite beer labels:
Half Acre Ginger Twin’s art is one of my faves.
– Alejandro Mendez, Staff Accountant
Their label is actually on a shirt…but Sprague Farm & Brew Works’ Hellbender Porter is super good with a super cool design.
– Carlyn Hill, Content Manager and Writer
“Festus Rotgut” by Arcade Brewery
– Lance Curran, Artist Shops Account Director & Comic Book Czar
I’d have to say Arcade Brewery’s Graveyard Shift Coffee Pale Ale is the best. Of. All. Time. That is all.
– Conrad Javier (who also designed Graveyard Shift, if ya couldn’t tell), Production Artist
Conrad’s is ok I guess, but being from Texas, I’m a big fan of the Shiner Premium label.
– Josh Segovia, Help Ambassador
“8-Bit Pale Ale” – by Tallgrass Brewing Co.
– Trey Runcie, Sr. Front End Developer
I’m a big fan of Sorachi Ace from Brooklyn.
– Dustin Henderlong, VP, Digital
Iron City! Really any old beer labels…
– Nathan Hinshaw, Lead Front-End Engineer
North Peak Brewing Company
Brianne Hattaway, Help Team Director and Customer Insights
Dark Lord by 3 Floyds.
– Jeff Guerrero, Graphics Coordinator
These upside down beers that look like bats are cool.
– Jake Nickell, Founder & CEO
Anything 3 Floyds.
– Lisa Leone, VP Creative
I second ‘anything by 3 Floyds’. One of my recent fave labels is yumyum.
– Masha Gololobova, Help Team Ambassador
I third 3 Floyds.
– Billy Carlson, Director of User Experience
Coors Banquet
– Sarah Bowman, Merchandise Analyst
So many! I love what Mikey Burton just made for Kaiju! Beer…
…I dig the labels from this U.K brewery, Partizan…
And I always enjoy the beautiful Summit labels!
– Katie Lukes, Graphic Designer
“Old Style”
– Kyle Geib, Marketing & Social Media Strategist
Marz Community Brewing out of Bridgeport has some pretty tight labels.
– Crystal Rosales, Threadhelp Ambassador
(Featured image is “Beer!”, check it out here)