Ever notice how good news seems to be super rare? Seriously, I’m all about staying woke, but nowadays unless you have a bucket of ice cream and a Judd Apatow movie at the ready after the evening news, everything just feels like a bummer.
Luckily, Threadless artist Jaco Haasbroek has embarked on a mission to spread good vibes all around Cape Town, South Africa and, thanks to social media, around the world too. Welcome to “The Good News”!
Haasbroek started posting up feel-good (and usually punderful and wordplay-filled) ‘news stories’ up on telephone poles and lamp posts all around Cape Town. The idea, according to an interview he gave to Mashable, came about when he saw a lost dog poster with the words “STOLEN” across it.
Haasbroek’s “The Good News” (#TheGoodNewsza) signs spark the same effect that much of his art does (like one of this week’s new designs, “Chili”): you just can’t help but smile!

In fact, he spreads good vibes on the streets using his art as well, leaving framed art pieces all around the city free for anyone to take.

Check out some more of The Good News below and on Instagram!
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All photos via “The Good News'” Instagram.